A Letter To My Younger Self


Dear Me,

First of all, I want you to know that there are many things in life you cannot control. You really need to learn to accept that.

There are times when you will want to find a way to change the course of something, but you need to pray about it and L E T I T G O. You will always want to see the best in others but over time you’ll see that people’s true colors will come out eventually. You will want some friendships to be forever, but sometimes you just outgrow each other. It’s okay, it’s no one fault. There are some friendships that are meant to be temporary lessons rather than lifelong.  You can forgive someone even if they never apologize to you- forgive those who hurt you.

You need to know that you are not defined by any one person. No man, friend, or idol. You don’t need anyone else’s approval besides God’s. Don’t focus on past experiences because you know what? You are human and mistakes will be made. You will definitely learn from them and I pray that it makes you a better person for it.

Ok this might be a hard one for you. You’re going to feel a lot of pain in the future but you will be made so strong for it, you will grow a very thick skin and some people won’t know how to approach you sometimes regarding these things. There are people who have never lost anyone so they won’t know how to feel or act around you. You can’t blame them for not going through the things you have had to go through; everyone has a different journey even if they have the same destination.

I want you to know that God has some really great things planned for you, keep the faith and work on your relationship with God. Have constant conversations with Him and know that he is ALWAYS listening. I can’t tell you how I know this but all those prayers will be answered so keep praying! You are so blessed you don’t even know.

Lastly, I want you to always be grateful. Be grateful for the struggle, for the blessings, for the people who entered your life and have stuck by- always let them know how much you appreciate them because they are really your rocks and you’re so lucky to have them.

I hope this will give you a little hope because there will always obstacles but it’s okay because they will lead to amazing results and blessings.



Forgive & Let Grow


So many times we let ourselves be controlled by the way we feel towards others. What I mean by this is that those people you can’t stand even looking at, that anger you feel, that grudge you’re holding on to is actually hurting you more than it will ever affect them. It has taken me a long time to learn this but the time finally came one day where I had to ask myself- how is being mad at so and so helping me?

Truth was, it doesn’t. In fact by holding onto this grudge it hurts you every day because you walk around with this pain and resentment day in and day out and it takes a toll on you. We are only human and as such the most powerful thing we can do is to FORGIVE. I know I know, I dropped the f bomb.  Look, I know it’s not that easy because it’s usually the people closest to us that hurt us the most. We invest time and love on people and when they let you down, it hurts more than anything.  I’m not saying that the road will be short or easy, but I can assure you that it will help you a great deal.

Learning to forgive is a task that must first be done within; you have to really forgive from the heart. This will be a bit uncomfortable especially if you let the anger and grudges fester for a long time but the moment you can forgive the person who has caused you harm, you will be set free. Forgiving is freedom; freedom from being a prisoner to something that hurt you in the past. So many times I have compared my life to others, my success to others and I can even get a little jealous and then I remember that we all have our own path, God has chosen you to do something specific with your life. Don’t take that for granted. When you release the things that have been holding you back, He will bless you beyond your wildest dreams.

It’s time, let it all go. Let you prosper and let yourself grow.  Always remember: God’s got you.

Scripture: Mark 10:17-27